Holy Family

FORMED – A Parish Resource

Developed by the Augustine Institute, FORMED contains hundreds of resources accessible to members of our parish. Purchased by the Diocese, it is a wonderful opportunity for us to access videos for adults and children at no cost to us.  Topics range from the Sacraments to the Saints and various topics of interest about our Faith.    The  following link: https://formed.org/ will take you right to the application where you can access this treasure trove of our Faith.  For questions contact Adele Slebodnik at Saint John the Baptist Church


After clicking on the web site https://formed.org chose sign up——>sign up as a parishioner————->create and account then input Diocese of Greensburg (for the parish or organization)——–>next—————> fill in your name and email address ————–> next ——- then you will receive an email with instructions how to get into FORMED.