Bishop Larry J. Kulick, J.C.L ~ Call to Orders
With joy and thanksgiving to God, the Diocese of Greensburg announces
that Bishop Larry J. Kulick, J.C.L., has called Deacon Christopher J. Pujol
to the responsibility of the Presbyterate, and Mr. Andrew J. Hamilton to the
responsibility of the Dioconate. The priesthood ordination will be celebrated
on June 4, 2022, and the dioconate ordination on May 21, 2022. Both liturgies will begin at 10:00 a.m. in Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Greensburg.
Please keep Deacon Christopher and Andrew in your prayers as they
complete the final months of the academic year. In addition, please continue
to pray for all men discerning God’s call to priesthood.
Virtual/In-Person Men’s Conference
CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF THE DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG recognizes Heroes of Hope, individuals who never stopped
giving during COVID-19. Now you can be a
Guardian Angel for your community by donating to coronavirus relief. All dollars go directly
to those in need. Watch the videos about our
Heroes of Hope and prayerfully consider donating online:
The Guidelines for Commencing In-Person Worship can be found by visiting choosing “Health Alerts.”
Tuition Assistance is Available by visiting or visit the Media tab above and choose Catholic School Scholarship Opportunity.