Holy Family Music Ministry provides opportunities for parishioners to serve the Church using their musical talents and abilities.
The Parish Cantor program is open to parishioners age 14 and above. The major role of the Cantor is to prayerfully proclaim the Responsorial Psalm at Mass. In addition, the Cantor leads and supports the sung prayer of the congregation through the responses, hymns and songs. The Cantor does not perform, and is not expected to sing solo. The ability to read music is very beneficial in this ministry, but not required. A pleasant singing voice and a comfort level in a public setting are necessary. Rehearsals are scheduled by mutual agreement with the Director of Music Ministry, as needed – generally before or after weekend Masses.
For additional information on our parish Music Ministry, please contact Robin Stahl, Director of Music Ministry, rstahl@dioceseofgreensburg.org